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Lessons from Brea
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
  Lessons from Dover
The Dover intelligent design case was completed yesterday when the Dover School Board rescinded their policy of presenting intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in high school biology classes. For many in the ID movement, this must seem a setback. But for those ID proponents who seek to present a sound, scientific alternative to evolution (and not to just push Creationism), this was expected. It is too early for Intelligent Design to be considered as a scientifically equivalent alternative to evolution.

Thomas Kuhn's famous book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions teaches us that science does not like to change. A scientist wants to build on existing theories, understanding the world more deeply through experimentation and study. This can only be done through the creation of "paradigms", which are simply ways to view the world, summarized here and excerpted below:

Throughout thirteen succinct but thought-provoking chapters, Kuhn argued that science is not a steady, cumulative acquisition of knowledge. Instead, science is "a series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectually violent revolutions" [Nicholas Wade, writing for Science], which he described as "the tradition-shattering complements to the tradition-bound activity of normal science." After such revolutions, "one conceptual world view is replaced by another" [Wade].

Although critics chided him for his imprecise use of the term, Kuhn was responsible for popularizing the term paradigm, which he described as essentially a collection of beliefs shared by scientists, a set of agreements about how problems are to be understood. According to Kuhn, paradigms are essential to scientific inquiry, for "no natural history can be interpreted in the absence of at least some implicit body of intertwined theoretical and methodological belief that permits selection, evaluation, and criticism." Indeed, a paradigm guides the research efforts of scientific communities, and it is this criterion that most clearly identifies a field as a science. A fundamental theme of Kuhn's argument is that the typical developmental pattern of a mature science is the successive transition from one paradigm to another through a process of revolution. When a paradigm shift takes place, "a scientist's world is qualitatively transformed [and] quantitatively enriched by fundamental novelties of either fact or theory."

Kuhn also maintained that, contrary to popular conception, typical scientists are not objective and independent thinkers. Rather, they are conservative individuals who accept what they have been taught and apply their knowledge to solving the problems that their theories dictate. Most are, in essence, puzzle-solvers who aim to discover what they already know in advance - "The man who is striving to solve a problem defined by existing knowledge and technique is not just looking around. He knows what he wants to achieve, and he designs his instruments and directs his thoughts accordingly."

So, how then, does science change? We don't believe the earth is flat or is the center of the universe anymore.

During periods of normal science, the primary task of scientists is to bring the accepted theory and fact into closer agreement. As a consequence, scientists tend to ignore research findings that might threaten the existing paradigm and trigger the development of a new and competing paradigm. For example, Ptolemy popularized the notion that the sun revolves around the earth, and this view was defended for centuries even in the face of conflicting evidence. In the pursuit of science, Kuhn observed, "novelty emerges only with difficulty, manifested by resistance, against a background provided by expectation."

And yet, young scientists who are not so deeply indoctrinated into accepted theories - a Newton, Lavoisier, or Einstein - can manage to sweep an old paradigm away. Such scientific revolutions come only after long periods of tradition-bound normal science, for "frameworks must be lived with and explored before they can be broken." However, crisis is always implicit in research because every problem that normal science sees as a puzzle can be seen, from another perspective, as a counterinstance and thus as a source of crisis. This is the "essential tension" in scientific research.

ID researchers should be working toward a "revolution" around the origin of life. Instead of forcing ID into textbooks through political maneuverings, they should be continuing to work on ID as science. As I have stated earlier in this blog: if evolution is indeed untrue, then science will eventually declare it so. Even if they have to do it kicking and screaming.

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This blog is where I post personal thoughts about life and family and fun. If you are looking for my other blog on faith, technology, and effective Internet ministry, go to Lessons from Babel.

My Accident

As many of you know, I was in a bad accident on October 9, 2006. The posts I wrote about the accident have scrolled off the main page, so you'll want to go to the entries labeled "accident" to get to them in case that is why you are here. Of course, I do have a lot of other interesting things to say...


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Mark D. Roberts on the web's response to Katrina

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