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Lessons from Brea
Sunday, October 15, 2006
When I was first struck by the truck, my initial thought was that I could not breathe very well. I immediately began to determine how I could get out of my car. The window wouldn't budget and the door wouldn't open. A gentleman standing outside the car was looking at me and telling me not to move as he called 911. I yelled through the window that I could not breathe and I needed to get out. He told me to turn away from the window and he proceeded to pull on it until it broke. He was pulling out, away from the car, not in towards me. Once the window had been broken, the door opened (I can't remember if I did it or he opened it) and I was able to crawl out onto the center median.

I have not heard from this man again, I don't know who he was, and pictures of the car (see the one posted to the right, taken after I was already out of the car) show that the window was not broken. Several people have told me that he was an angel. I am not one to quickly believe that sort of thing, though I do believe that angels do walk among us. It is possible that the window did not actually break and that this man simply ended up pulling the whole door open. But it comes down to this: either he was an angel who the Lord sent to rescue me, or he was a man who felt compelled to help and then remain anonymous. If the former, what a miracle! If the latter, what an amazing man. It got me to thinking: we can all be angels, of sorts, in so many situations. Have you ever been in a situation where someone has needed help and you were too busy or scared to help? God is so amazing and powerful that you CAN be an angel to that person.

Just a thought.

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Hi Dave,

Back in my wild early 20s, before God got ahold of me, I got myself into a dangerous situation. I had alcohol poisoning, and was too out of it get the stuff out of my system. I was slumped over the toilet in the bathroom stall of a N.Y. club. None of my friends knew I was in there, and I was too out of it to ask anyone for help. There was a knock at the stall door, and a woman asked me if I was OK. I told her I was fine. She pushed a cup of water under the stall door. As soon as I drank the water, I started getting sick (which was exactly what needed to happen to get the alcohol out of my system). That same woman kept coming back, bringing water over what I later found out was a period of five hours. I never saw her face--only her feet.

I've often wondered if she was an angel or a real person. The one thing I know for sure: This was one time of several when I'm 100 percent certain God was sending someone--angel or human--to care for me or let me know He hadn't forgotten me.

What a blessing to read this! Thank you for your willingness to share your story with the media and here on your blog. God is blessing a lot of people with your story, and I can see God is blessing you and your family. It's amazing how he can use something as frightening and terrible as a car accident to speak to his people. I often question why God allows bad things to happen. It's very cool in situations like yours, when some of his reasons are apparent.
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